
Artist Vu Dieu Thao

The next inspirational person I would like to mention is a Ty Ba Artist-Teacher in Hanoi: Ms. Vu Dieu Thao. More than 20 years ago, Ms. Vu Dieu Thao was loved by the audience for her role as Thao, a...

Ty Ba in painting

Original silk painting Cung Dan silver par - Kieu silk painting by artist Ngoc Mai. Painting by artist Ngoc Mai Painting by artist Ngoc Mai Painting "Kieu sitting to play Tyba" - Artist: Ngoc Mai The work "Dance of harmony" by artist Phan...

The Position of Viet Nam today

Today, the Ty Ba is a soloist or conductor in Vietnamese national orchestras. The color of the Ty Ba is bright and cheerful, the sound is interesting, the sound is wide, and it can express many emotions in a...